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It Takes a Village…to Drive Impact on Planning and Development

You know that old saying about how it takes a village to raise a child? We take a similar view on how community engagement can be used to drive positive impact through planning and development.

When a developer or planner is looking for community feedback about a project, they need to hear from as many people as possible so they can design the project for maximum benefits. It literally takes engagement from an entire village – or town or city – to make a positive impact. Only hearing from a few voices means they’re only receiving a few perspectives, potentially limiting positive impact.

There are several unique groups of people who should be proactively approached by decision makers for their thoughts and opinions on development. We refer to these groups as the Sphere of Community Engagement.

By engaging with all of these groups, decision makers can best set themselves up for success.

We define success as positive impact on project outcomes. When a project’s outcomes have been influenced directly by the community, everyone – developers, planners, and community members – walk away happier.

Learn more about some examples of how coUrbanize has helped drive positive outcomes here.

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