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How Cities & Towns Use coUrbanize

cities and towns community engagement planning

As cities and towns rethink and plan for their futures, we’ve seen new and interesting use cases for hosting projects on coUrbanize because of ongoing limitations on public meetings and on-the-ground outreach. This year, we’re working from coast to coast, in large cities and small towns, with everyone from city planners and town councils to independent consultants and regional planning authorities.

Harnessing community input is a pivotal part of planning and community development. Effective community engagement requires relationship building, transparency, and two-way communication. The pandemic has altered how we achieve those things, but taking engagement online has also opened up opportunities to reach more people and make the process more inclusive. 

Community engagement works best where it is an ongoing, cumulative process enabling relationships and trust built and strengthened over time. Inclusive community engagement practices should lead to a shared vision for a city or town’s future – whether you’re building support for zoning changes or affordable housing, developing a city-wide strategic plan, or redesigning parks and community trails. 

As communities grow and change, successful planning must include thoughtful community engagement strategies that reflect the needs of the community. Regardless of what the project is, coUrbanize can help to reach residents from across your municipality. Learn more about where we’ve worked and how we can help here.

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